Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My Maiden Post

Ok, I wanted to explain why I am creating a blog site. How does this site differ from other Blog site? Well, when you create a website, you need direction. When I say direction, I mean what is the purpose of the website and what do I want to show. My first website was pretty much a visual resume from the years 1999-2001. A lot of things have changed since then. My photography has taken a whole new direction especially with my line of work. So with my first website, I found it extremely difficult to keep it current and post on a regular basis due to the fact that I am consumed if Fatherhood and my marriage to my wife. So finding time to update my site using Macromedia Dreamweaver and Flash is next to none. So I decided to take a new direction with the medium called Blogging. I hope this will enable me to post pictures, reviews and news in a timely manner opposed to the conventional method of webpage building and design. Well I think I took enough of your time!! Please enjoy and comments and feedback are very much appreciated!!!


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